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If you’ve ever walked down a typical street in Lagos on a Trash day (usually Wednesdays) you’ll see the sense in this product. Its a tidy aluminum and wood Dustbin box system, that can hide those plastic (or Nylon) eyesores that ‘adorn’ streets and driveways.
The system helps keep smells and rodents away, while offering an aesthetically attractive addition to the property. In some instances, it could even acts as part of the fence (if wooden fences were a thing here) with matching wood cladding. The system can enclose 12-240 lt dustbins with it lightweight aluminum frame that easily rolls along a guide track. You slide to expose your bins,(up to 4) which is accessible for 2 sides, dump your trash, and slide to close. Easy and Elegant.
Heres a link to the site where its avaliable, along with a nice little demonstration video. Unfortunately its in german (I think).
[via trendir]