Register to Participate in the NIA o-DEFREN 2025 Toilet Design Challenge (Closing on Tuesday 27th October, 2020)

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The NIA o-DEFREN 2025 Toilet Design Challenge is an open-call inviting Architects (Students and Practitioners) to submit concepts and prototype ideas that show a considered rethink of public toilets.

Poor sanitation as occasioned by open-air defecation (and urination) not only result in unsavoury indices in the global context, but also result in significant environmental and health challenges at a local context. o-DEFREN (open-air defection free Nigeria) seeks to tackle this dual challenge through its Toilet Design Challenge with solutions that are  sustainably domesticated and contextually responsive. Solutions should promote rapid prototyping and speedy deployment, clearly establish the location/cultural-context being responded to, or the targeted rural or urban situation being considered.

Use of local materials, systems, and solutions is greatly encouraged, with creativity in energy efficiency and sustainability amongst others; ultimately, they must be attractive. The Promoter seeks solutions that are able to deliver at circa NGN120,000/sqm – please note this figure includes systems, fittings, equipment, and technology.

Entries could be made as individuals, teams, or firms, and there is no limit to how many submissions can be tendered under each entry. Registration is however required for each submission. This is to ensure the generation of a Unique Competition Code (UCC) for use on each submission. This invitation is fully open to students as well. 

The submission deadline is 04:00pm Tuesday 27th October, 2020.

All submissions shall be electronic. Further competition information, evaluation criteria, and prize details will be displayed on the registration page. We invite you to join in this most exciting opportunity to reshape the sanitation narrative by delivering lasting solutions that adequately respond to the SDG-6 and Executive Order 009 aspirations. Please NOTE: for administrative purposes submissions shall not be received or processed outside of the above registration link. 

The Context

UN SDG 6 (2015) Clean Water + Sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all by the year 2030. SDG-6 is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that looks to shape human development across the ‘decade of action’.

Executive Order 009 (2019)

President Buhari signed Executive Order 009 targeted at achieving an Open Defecation-Free Nigeria by 2025. This Executive Order enabled The Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMoWR), the Promoter, to establish the necessary actualisation roadmap.

NIA (2020) o-DEFREN 2025

This is an Architects’ intervention in support of actualizing of SDG-6 and Executive Order 009. The Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) is facilitating the design of systems and solutions that are user friendly; energy efficient; socially inclusive; culturally sensitive; operated and maintained easily; utilitarian, responsive to context, attractive within the urban-scape; and that can be provided with necessary governance structure or arrangement.

Competition Details

Judging Criteria

  • Submissions will be judged and curated by the Organiser (The Nigerian Institute of Architects) on behalf of the Promoter
  • The Scoring will be a maximum of 50-points
  • Project Description and Concept, Understanding of the Problem (5)
  • Design Response to the chosen problem – rural or urban (10)
  • Systems, Innovation, Technology, Sustainability (15)
  • Design Communication and Clarity of Thought (15)
  • Promoter’s Perspective (5)

Submission Format

  • Landscape-A3-PDF document, max-25MB file size, unlimited pages
  • Cover Page MUST feature UCC only (names/title blocks/etc will lead to disqualification)
  • The UCC can feature on every page if participant so desires, however only the cover page is necessary
  • There must be no name(s) and/or title blocks featured on any page throughout the document

Competition Honoraria

  • Only the top ten submissions will be eligible for any awards, prize (monies) will be determined by the Organiser
  • Selected/winning entries will be eligible for full engagement by the Promoter and other Stakeholders in the design, development, and deployment of (the) selected solutions across multiple locations
  • The NIA official website will feature and grant full publicity to all winning entries and the next (best) ten submissions for the rest of 2020 calendar year
  • The Organiser and Promoter will promote the portfolio of successful submissions across MDAs, NGOs, and other stakeholders

“We shall not defeat any of the infectious diseases that plague the developing world until we have also won the battle for safe drinking water, sanitation, and basic health care.”

Kofi Annan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Secretary-General of the United Nations (1996-2006).
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