Ghanian Architecture Firm S.Tetteh+Associates Wins 5000 for 5000 Housing Competition

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S. Tetteh + Associates have been declared winner of Shelter Afrique’s 5000 for 5000 Housing Competition. The competition invited proposals for a livable and sustainable home for Africa’s urban poor that could be built at a cost of no more than $5,000 and no larger than 45 sqm of floor space.

Their winning proposal comprises a bedsitter with various options for upgrade, expansion and adaptation to Africa’s various climatic conditions. It is to be constructed from interlocking compressed earth bricks, along with a combination of low maintenance, widely available materials and modifications to conventional construction techniques that help keep the cost low. The house is conceived to provide dignified dwelling  for Africa’s urban poor and be continuously modified to reflect growth in the household size and income of its occupants.

Runners up in the competition include:

Here’s a look at the detailed design submission,

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