Inspired by science fiction and cybernetics, designer Svyatoslav Zbroy (for odesd2) set a goal to create a technological, modular and utilitarian place for work, and after months of improving technical parameters, selection of materials and testing, he has created the X series, a collection that could very well be the future of the workspace.
“In the process of evolution, man has repeatedly changed the appearance and essence of things, which he needed in everyday life: tools, communications equipment, household items. But the place for work of an employee has hardly changed since the first office desk, and the workplace has rooted in the minds as a table, seat and storage system. The X3 workstation in conjunction with the X1 or X2 chair complies with all ergonomic rules for workplace, while offering a transition from the analog office desk to the digital interface of the future.”
– Svyatoslav Zbroy

There is a base with two guides, connected by a fastening plate and a table top with two planes at the heart of the X3 workstation. Combining these elements according to the principle of the constructor, the user can change the height of the workplace, adjust the angle of the tabletop (0, -5 and -10 degrees) and change the location of equipment on the plane.
The system of fasteners is based on the principles of PALS and RIS – reference technologies for the transference of combat, tactical and cargo equipment. To attach new equipment, connect the power cable or, conversely, disconnect the equipment, you need to remove the fasteners and move the element to another mounting point. Like changing the position of the countertop, this allows you to “tune” the station to your needs.
The basic electrification system is a block with five power points and one Ethernet input hidden under the table top. Each buyer can choose a set of electrification individually for himself. The X3 can be used as a standing place to reduce the burden on the spine from a long stay in one position – you just need to change the height and angle of the tabletop.
The X2 chair is a modification of the X1 chair in a more compact format. Such a piece of furniture can be used not only to work with the X3 station, but also as a place to relax at home or in a public space.
The X-series is a tribute to the stylistics and philosophy of cyberpunk – the science fiction genre that gave us the Neuromancer, Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell and the Matrix. Metal parts of chairs and station seem to be assembled together by artificial intelligence: we see it in straight lines, symmetry and simplicity of connecting elements. The textile part of the seats is made of black foam rubber with a microfiber glued on it without a single seam. Such a material does not change color, does not allow the liquid to penetrate into the fibers and absorbs much more water than ordinary fabrics.
The X1 and X2 chairs are available for purchase on the website and in the dealer network. The X3 workstation will be available in the spring of 2018.