Red House 2 located in the heart of Cantonments Accra, is a residential development comprising a mix of 4 detached townhouses to the North of the site and a Studio Apartment Block on the south of the site..
With an access road at the heart of the development, parking is distributed on the ground floor underneath the buildings lofted on pilotis. Each development has its own own private garden with a public pool to the western corner of the site.
The buildings are clad with travertine stone finish while the east and west facing windows are shaded by corten steel hoods to reduce solar heat gain but maximizing daylight penetration.
From the street, the eastern facades of the residences are mostly blanked out for privacy while the general public interface with the property via the cafe. Interior design for the project was executed by Rayan Ahmad. As at October 2021 the project was in the furniture and fixtures stage with equipment installations on going.
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