Enter to Win the A3 – Archnet Prize for Writing about African Architecture

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A3/Archives of African Architecture and the Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries are looking for people who are able to bring the general public in Africa and beyond to a mainstream understanding of architecture and its relation to culture through writing about built heritage.

The recipients of this award will join the A3 – Archnet team in this project, starting with a fully funded week-long trip to Boston, Massachusetts to work with the staff of the Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries, to build a database on African Architecture.

How to Enter

To enter, write an essay of no more than 1000 words on a structure in Nigeria or elsewhere in Africa. Describe the building and explain why the building is significant and/or what it means to you. All essays must be in English.

Eligibility Requirements

All who enter this competition;

  • Must be university students studying architecture or a related field, and have student status through August 2021
  • Have a Nigerian passport valid through October 2022
  • Follow Archnet on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Follow A3 on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Available to travel from April 2019 – August 2022

Submission requirements

Have the following items ready for upload.

  • Your essay on a favorite building in Africa in pdf format
  • Links to past articles or writings, published or unpublished.
  • A 1 page CV, resume, or biographical summary
  • A scanned copy of your passport’s photo page

Apply online at https://akdc-mit.typeform.com/to/q2yviX.

Deadline for entries: 28 February 2020, 1200pm (GMT)

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