“The Firm” is an upcoming TV Drama series produced by of the Association of Consulting Architects Nigeria (ACA Nigeria). The series seeks to provide a compelling narrative that looks into the “dynamic and aggressive pace of corporate business”, as told from the point of view of  twelve main characters who serve as partners and employees of the fictional architectural firm – Associated Chartered Architects Nigeria (which also spells, ACA Nigeria). “The Firm” would also touch on some aspects of big city living in Lagos, such the hustle and bustle of the daily commute as well as the tendency of most individuals to exploit the slightest opportunity to generate income.
While this is not what you usually hear architects getting involved in, I for-one think its a brilliant idea. It broadens the horizon of architects in practice and could be a viable tool in shaping the image of architects in the country. We are creatives after all. So, though architects are not typically diving headfirst into media productions such as this, the trailer above suggests “The Firm” should be interesting to watch regardless. Looking forward to it.