Heres a virtual tour of the apartment of fictional character Don Draper portrayed by John Hamm in the popular American Television series Mad Men.
Designed by the show’s set decorator Claudette Didul, the apartment is set in 1966 and aside from the obvious absence of hi tech toys like flat screens and what not, the layout and furniture feel surprisingly contemporary. High design pieces like the Eames Chair and the Noguchi Coffee table, which feature in today’s trendy spaces are front and center in the apartment’s design. The sunken living area/conversation pit, the semi-open kitchen screened off by the bar and servery into the dining area are also reminiscent of the 60’s but are timeless in their ideology.
This very engaging and interactive walkthrough is courtesy of Archdaily in collaboration Archilogic, a cutting edge tool for real estate marketing. The animation guides you through the different spaces in the apartment, with options to change viewing modes. You can also customise the furniture, colour and few other things so go ahead and have some fun why don’t you.