The Edo Door by Victor Ehikhamenor is an Ode to Historic Benin Bronze Art

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Renowned Nigerian Artist, Victor Ehikhamenor recently completed ‘The Edo Door’ a seamless blend of art and design.

Conceived in collaboration with Nigerian Architect Ade Shokunbi of Patrick Waheed Design Consultancy, the Edo Door, combines modern design with iconic Benin bronze art, a deeply held heritage of Mr. Ehikhamenor.

In an instragram post, he details the importance and relevance of the traditional art form, as well as the symbolism behind ‘the door’ as an artistic expression in his hometown of Edo, Nigeria, as well in Africa as a whole. His inspiration for the door comes from the stolen bronze plaques on display in British museums and a number of other western institutions, using his art as a means to lend his voice to the ongoing global conversation around the ownership and legacy of African art. Here’s the original instagram post.

Here are process images of Mr. Ehikhamenor creating the custom bronzes , as well as an image of the final Edo door.

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