Infographic: The Psychology of Color and Its Importance in Interior Design

The Psychology of Color and Its Importance in Interior Design

[dropcap size=big]A[/dropcap] good interior designer doesn’t just make a home look great on the inside. They also know how to use colors to elicit an emotional reaction from homeowners and guests alike. Color, after all, is a very potent design tool, and you can expect an interior designer worth his salt to have a basic understanding of how the psychology of color applies to their work.

With the right colors, an interior designer can make a home feel as cheerful, calm, comfortable, or dramatic as the homeowner would have it. It is important for the interior designer to be aware which emotions and attitudes are associated with which color to achieve the desired results, and that is what the psychology of color is essentially all about.

The psychological effects of colors vary widely, and it’s up to the interior designer and the homeowner to decide which room sets up which mood or brings out which reaction. More often than not, however, people just want their home to reflect their personality. The interior designer who knows the psychology of color should be able to bring that out in his luxury interior design as well.

Typically, blue is used to evoke images of the sky and sea and is associated with calmness, security, and reliability. Red, on the other hand, represents passion and energy, although one could also associate it with aggressiveness. If you want to learn more about the emotions associated with different colors, check out the infographic below.

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