Looted and Abandoned: Rio 2016 Olympic Sites, 6 Months Later.

A mere six months after the Rio 2016 games, a number of the olympic sites that once hosted thousands of locals, tourists, and athletes in the 16 day global sporting event now lie in ruin. This games were said to have cost Brazil around $4.6 billion plus an estimated $1.6 billion in budget overages, according to reports by the Financial Times and Quartz.

In a story recently published by Business Insider, we can see the harsh and heartbreaking state of the now decaying venues. Here’s what they look like six months later.

One practice pool has turned orange, and the structure next to it is quite literally falling apart.
The famed Maracana Stadium has gone to waste, with patches of the turf either turning brown or missing altogether.


Seats have been pulled from the stands…
…and dumped here, seemingly.
Yet another unsightly scene from the stadium
The Olympic golf course took three years to make and drew much ire because it was built in a national wildlife reserve. Now it’s run-down and empty.


Inside the Aquatic Center, the pool is drained except for some unpleasant standing water.

The olympic village is now a ‘ghost town’


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