Walkable Plans Offers the Opportunity to Walk Through Floor Plans Before Construction Begins

Walkable Plans is a floor plan projection center created to provide an immersive, full 1:1 scale layout of residential, commercial and other construction projects. This allows architects and their clients to better experience and visualize their designs.

Most non-professionals and even professionals find it difficult to visualize and estimate proportions just by looking at a design on a piece of paper or a computer screen – even with the most detailed floor plans and renderings. This is the problem that the Pennsylvania based company seeks to solve while simultaneously mitigating delays in design finalization and costly mid-construction changes.

The Walkable Plans facility uses four projectors that are connected to create one massive image measuring 15m by 21m. All the company needs is a PDF of the drawings a few days in advance. To make the experience even more immersive, the facility uses real furniture and portable walls in order to provide better clarity. The service gives builders, designers, architects and families the ability to confirm that a design is perfect before investing in construction. 

The Walkable Plans technology also has applications beyond residential and commercial building. It can cover landscapes, retail, manufacturing, office, medical and entertainment spaces. Additionally, it can be applied to more civic projects, such as public transportation and city planning spaces. 

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