Armo: A Self-Build Concrete Block System Reducing Construction Time by 50%

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The ARMO Block system is an innovative, low cost construction system that uses single module interlocking blocks that do not require mortar or any other binder, mixtures or skilled labour and have the potential to reduce construction time by 50%.

Developed by  Juan Manuel Reyes and architect Jorge Capistran of Armados Omega, (a Mexican company) the system debuted in late 2015 in a bid to provide new construction systems that can contribute to meeting the demand for decent affordable housing.

Architect Jorge Capistran

The manufacturing process for the stone blocks uses production methods based on recycled materials and low water consumption. The team of developers is interested in releasing to the market a new system of self-building at different scales and for different needs. The idea of this particular assembly, which is similar to a puzzle, is that extensive training or side building systems that complicate the assembly process or generate high building costs are no longer required.

“The system consists of six pieces of self-assembly that are self-supporting.  A metal rod is inserted every 80 centimeters, with no need for a special foundation, creating a structure where you can install pipes and wiring without any problems. This construction method helps workers because they don’t need any extensive training to implement the system”

-Juan Manuel Reyes, Director, Armados Omega

With a manufacturing plant in Cholula, Puebla, the Mexican company continues to create new elements that diversify the product and function as decorative elements with various finishes, colors, and textures in the piece, with the hope of replacing traditional systems, reducing costs all while contributing significantly to the construction sector and housing in Mexico.

Find out more about the innovative block system here.

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