DIY: Turn an Old Art Box into a Fold-Down Spice Rack

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[via buzzfeed]

A crafty DIY project from Nifty by buzzfeed, that turns an old art box into a fold-down spice rack, helping you save much needed space most especially in small kitchens.

Here’s what you need to get started as well as instructions on how to get it done. Enjoy.



Old art box
Wood glue
1 inch screws
½ inch screws
Small chain


1. Pick a box that fits under your cabinet. An old art box works best, but any wooden box will be fine.
2. Cut a piece of wood to the length of your box. Stain or paint to match.
3. Glue the wood into the middle of the box to act as a shelf. Let it dry for at least two hours.
4. With the lid open at about a 60º angle, measure a length of chain to connect the lid with the bottom of the box. (Should be about 12 in, or 30 cm.)
5. Drill two pieces of chain into the bottom front corners of the box, then into the inner sides of the lid.
6. Drill the lid into the underside of your cabinet.
7. Fill the box with spices, and fold and secure the box when not in use. Enjoy extra cabinet space!

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