PinDesign Highlights·Aug 26 2022Living the Noom is a Sanctuary of Wellness, Sustainability and Flexible Living Designed by Sanzpont Architecture.
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PinDesign Highlights·Jun 17 2019Taliesin Mod.Fab is an off-grid, prefabricated modular home designed and built by Students of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture
Pin LS TV·Oct 28 2017The Phi Suea House Project: The World’s First Solar Hydrogen Residential Development
Pin LS TV·Oct 21 2017Living Off The Grid In Nigeria: A residential development in Abuja Runs Exclusively on a Hybrid System of Renewable Energy
PinDesign Highlights·Jun 14 2017Powerhyde is a Proposed Affordable (Solar) Housing Concept for the Rural Homeless in India by BillionBricks
PinCommercial and Office·Dec 11 2014Distinguished and Esteemed: Novartis Visitor Reception in New Jersey by Weiss/Manfredi